Automated management system for gas distribution stations

The system “Security of gas distribution stations”(with controlled pressure at the output reduction node)

The system “Security of gas distribution stations”(with controlled pressure at the output reduction node)

The system is designed to secure the natural gas consumers from unacceptable deviations of gas pressure at the output of gas distribution station by controlling the gas pressure at the output of reduction line and control of reduction line switching at the pressure deviation from specified limits, as well as to control the pressure (consumption limitation)on output of reduction node by setting the pressure with the operator of gas distribution station.

Automated management system for gas distribution stations

Automated management system for gas distribution stations

Automated management system for gas distribution stations is a complex of individual automated systems that provide:
- Automated control and gas distribution station operation management in normal and emergency situations, while ensuring high reliability and efficiency of the system functionality due to the continuous diagnosis of key systems and components;
- Control over the actions of the staff, preventing unauthorized access or intentional interference in a normal operation of gas distribution station;
- Provision of information on the gas distribution station operation for the local and remote control and management, etc.